Video Games4

Why Gameplay Ads Always Work

What makes gameplay ads perpetually relevant is their candid portrayal of the game. Selecting the most thrilling moments and challenges your game offers, and spotlighting those unique features that leave an impression, is pivotal.

How To Effectively Mix UGC With Gameplay

For instance, you might design your UGC video ad to look like a Twitch streamer clip. Or maybe the UGC talent appears picture-in-picture over the gameplay, or even green screened on top of it.

Top 5 Most Controversial Video Game Ad Campaigns

In response, the game's marketing team launched the “Sin 2 Win Sweepstakes” where contestants were encouraged to send in pictures doing sinful, lustful activities. The winner received a night with “two hot girls, a limo service, paparazzi, and a chest full of booty.”

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