Mobile Games11

Top Performing TikTok UGC Ads

Looking for TikTok UGC ad inspiration? Airtraffic is a leader in UGC. Here are some of the top performing UGC ads we've produced.

How To Effectively Mix UGC With Gameplay

For instance, you might design your UGC video ad to look like a Twitch streamer clip. Or maybe the UGC talent appears picture-in-picture over the gameplay, or even green screened on top of it.

10 Essential Screenshot Tips for App Store Optimization

Experiment with different screenshot designs, orders, and captions to determine what works best for your target audience. A/B testing allows you to optimize based on real user responses, leading to higher conversion rates and more successful user acquisition.

3D Mobile Gaming Ads Can Boost Your UA Campaigns

3D ad animation offers unique storytelling opportunities that traditional 2D ads simply can't match. With a 3D ad studio like Airtraffic, you can create immersive, interactive narratives that engage users on a deeper level.

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